Friday, October 14, 2011

Original Blog - Repost

Before we begin blogging via blogger, we did start a previous blog under another platform that didn't quite work out for us.  That said, below is a list of previous post that you may or may not find of interest.

Repost: Oct. 14, 2011

With the incessant ramblings of the talking heads in business these days, albeit internetmarketing, seo, and social media, the office ants decided to take a lighter approach toblogging. Why? Why the heck not!  There are too many know-it-alls out there andfrankly...we’re not interested in doing the obvious.  Having fun while we trudge through our workweek is our inclination. With our antics blog, our goal is to put a smile on your face and help inspire some creativity while we're at it.  Good god, we spend too much time at work and not enjoying ourselves even a little bit, would be a crime.  

To launch out antic’s blog, I’d like to feature some of our favorite comics:

To read the original post click here:  My First Blog Post

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