Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ugly Christmas Sweater in the Office

This year celebrate the holidays in the most ridiculous way possible and have an Ugly Sweater Contest.  Skip the old typical, boring pot luck parties, Secret Santa gift exchange etc... and have some real fun. 

If you haven’t done so already, pull out that ugly holiday sweater your Aunt “So-And-So” gave (hopefully there won’t be too many moth holes in it) and don it for fun.
Even if you don’t have an office party to celebrate it, wear it anyway.  Trust us…you’ll be glad you did.  And if you need some inspiration, take a look at these office folks, having a merry ol’ time indeed.

Take a look at these holiday classics!  

Excellent contestant!

This one gets added points for the tie!

I have no idea if these guys work together, but they sure look like they're having fun.  The pipe is a nice touch too.

Last but not least, take a look at this one.  One glance and you can see their in the holiday spirit and having so much fun too!
Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Go Goth at Work

Repost:  Get your Office Goth button here.

One of my favorite shows it The IT Crowd.  Richmond is the bomb.  No one does goth in the corporate setting like Richmond.  I miss him.  

If you haven’t had a chance to see the episodes, check ‘em out via Youtube - The IT Crowd, Season 1, Episode 1.

Examples of Office Goths

Microsoft embraces Goths.  And a happy goth too.  Who knew?  Check out the The Goth in the Office.

Love this shot.  Looks like a hell of a boss huh? (image source)

Vampires too?  Eh…it could happen.  I’ve met of few of those too.

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