Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Not to Do at this Year's Office Holiday Party.

Yeah, that's not a bright idea. We know how painful holiday get-togethers can be, especially at the office. Our recommendations since these festivities are a must:
1. Stay away from the booze.
2. And heaven help you should you stand anywhere near the mistletoe.

What about you? Any other suggestions?
Holiday Office Party

Note:  Let it be noted that this guy gets props for the red stapler.  "Ten points for Hufflepuff!"

- the office ant out

Monday, December 3, 2012

Top 5 Uses for Office Chairs

It's the Top 5 Uses for Office Chairs. Let's face it. Corporate life can be dull. Why not have some fun...sitting on your a**! Nothing brings your team together like a few office chair antics. Still not sure what we mean? See our top picks below and let the games begin!

#4 Classic Spin


#2 Office Hockey

Happy Monday.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Extreme Casual Fridays

What not to wear for in the office of Fridays.  This is a post I've been wanted to post for some time now.  The idea is this...create a caption:

A.  Copy like it's hot!

B.  Casual my a**.

C.  Eewww

D.  Muffin Top Alum

E.  Casual Friday Fail

F.  Thank God!

Any suggestions?

Have a good weekend.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Social Media Explained

I found this on Pinterest/Instragram.  It had my laughing so I thought I'd post it.  The next time you're at work trying to explain the social media, this may help.  Enjoy.

Speaking about donuts...remember this guy?  The corporate world feels like this at times, huh?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Facebook Like or Dislike Office Stamp

Okay, so I saw this Facebook Like / Dislike stamp and decided I had to post about it.  Wouldn't the office be so much easier if you could use these.  Or what about email?  Let's say if you didn't care for an email someone sent, could you hit dislike or better yet, reject?  

And yes, you can actually purchase these.  Check it out here.

Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Proof the IT has too much time on their hands!

Well, I never thought I see such a thing since the days of Dungeon and Dragons.  Boy was I wrong.  Take a look at what these IT enthusiasts did with old floppy drives and a love of HBO's Game of Thrones.  Thank the gods for YouTube or else we probably wouldn't have a platform for sh** like this.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bring Cheetos to your next meeting!

For your next meeting, bring in a bag or bowl of Cheetos and sit back and wait. You’d be hard-pressed not to indulge with a bowl of puffy, crunchy, orangey goodness at the table.
Nix the napkins too and see which colleague smudges their paperwork, wipes on their clothes or better yet licks their fingers.
Double points if you bring a one wet nap for your use only. Be sure and break out the whippie when everyone’s watching. And then of course throw it away, making sure no one else is using it. 
(Note: This office jest works best when a presentation is going on, and the room is dark.  When the presentation is over and the lights go back on, that's when the real fun begins.)
This office fun won’t last very long, but when you see neon streaks of orange peppered around the room, we guarantee, you’ll at least be entertained.

Extreme Cheetos Office Fun 

Not recommended, but still funny as hell.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Donkey Crossing Sign - a must need for any office

Download the Donkey Crossing Sign today. 

You know you want to.

Go ahead and print this crossing sign and start having some fun at work.  We’ve even taken the liberty of suggesting a few ideas of where you can place these. 
  • Boss office door
  • An office/cubicle of an annoying colleague
  • Litter your friend’s desk
  • Water cooler
  • Men’s bathroom
  • Office Kitchen
  • Finance Department
  • Human Resources
  • Executive Meeting Room
  • Mailroom
  • Elevator (if applicable)
Oh and one more thing…try not to get caught!
Looking for the real deal?  You can purchase signs, stickers and other fun stuff here.

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