Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ask the ant - office bullying

Did you know we have an in-house office ant on staff that can answer your most common office woes and complaints and put your fears to rest? Feel free to bemoan anonymously andseek solace in the solid advice coming from a seasoned creative professional of workingnearly twenty years in Corporate America. Do you have a work issue you need help with? Donot fret. Feel free and rant and by all means…ask the ant. (Original Post)
Office quagmire...
Dear office ant,
I have a coworker that constantly likes to undermine me and my work.  I’m so tired of dealing with his smart-ass behavior. For some reason, he always catches me off guard, and I feel like other employees, including my boss, are buying into some of his B.S.
Can you please help me?

The office ant's repsonse...

Dear  e,
Your story is a depressing one and unfortunately a common one. Have no fear, though. Everyone must learn to deal with difficult people in their work environment. The challenge is truly to have fun while doing it. What you’re really looking for is a way to tell your coworker to shove it, without actually saying so. Am I right? Don’t answer that. I am. There’s an art to maneuvering your way through the workweek, and frankly…it’s all in the delivery.

Here are two clips I suggest you watch closely and learn. These antics may not rid yourself of your office annoyance, but when you apply these techniques, we promise you...you’ll feel a heck of a lot better.

Technique 1: Mumbler Method

Technique # 2 - Lil Jon Method...What?
I miss Dave Chappelle.  

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