Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ugly Christmas Sweater in the Office

This year celebrate the holidays in the most ridiculous way possible and have an Ugly Sweater Contest.  Skip the old typical, boring pot luck parties, Secret Santa gift exchange etc... and have some real fun. 

If you haven’t done so already, pull out that ugly holiday sweater your Aunt “So-And-So” gave (hopefully there won’t be too many moth holes in it) and don it for fun.
Even if you don’t have an office party to celebrate it, wear it anyway.  Trust us…you’ll be glad you did.  And if you need some inspiration, take a look at these office folks, having a merry ol’ time indeed.

Take a look at these holiday classics!  

Excellent contestant!

This one gets added points for the tie!

I have no idea if these guys work together, but they sure look like they're having fun.  The pipe is a nice touch too.

Last but not least, take a look at this one.  One glance and you can see their in the holiday spirit and having so much fun too!
Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Go Goth at Work

Repost:  Get your Office Goth button here.

One of my favorite shows it The IT Crowd.  Richmond is the bomb.  No one does goth in the corporate setting like Richmond.  I miss him.  

If you haven’t had a chance to see the episodes, check ‘em out via Youtube - The IT Crowd, Season 1, Episode 1.

Examples of Office Goths

Microsoft embraces Goths.  And a happy goth too.  Who knew?  Check out the The Goth in the Office.

Love this shot.  Looks like a hell of a boss huh? (image source)

Vampires too?  Eh…it could happen.  I’ve met of few of those too.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Horses in the Office

Repost - Office Prank - Horse Play

There's one in every crows!  I got a little carried away on this one. I couldn’t help myself.  Here’s one office prank: The next time someone in your office  a coworker or yournemesis perhaps  feel free to let them know with this image below.

We’ve all been known to act like a horse's ass, and now’s your chance to let that special
someone know. Suggestions for application:

* For a cubicle - Make several copies (at least 25) of an 8.5 x 11 and plastering it everywhere.  Consider it wallpaper even. I think they’ll get the picture.

* For an office - Same idea,but you’ll need at least double copies (50) plus add a poster-size of the image to the person’s office door.

* For extra credit - If you can, put it as a screen saver on your coworker’s computer and for
additional props, slip it into a business presentation at your next meeting. Now you’re talking!

Oh,and one more piece of advice….don’t get fired or you’ll be the new horse's ass!

Since we were on the subject of horse's asses...I thought I'd post this one too!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Star Wars in the Office

Star Wars in the Office - Repost

I saw these random pictures of Star Wars figures and troops (stormtroopers in a meeting Workplace Fail), and then I got excited and pulled a few more. 

Corporate America can feel like the Death Star at times, but just look at how much fun their having.

This one should be on the office pranks docket for sure.  Thanks to John Gushue for that one. 

Well...this is one way to spend your time at work - playing with toys and office equipment. How's that for creativity.  

I want this desk.  Believe it or not, you can get it here.

Last but not least, I love Chad Vader by Blame Society Films.  I know its not Friday, but's it's funny as hell.  

Enjoy your day, ants!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day

In Search of a Bacon Stretcher – A Military Tradition
During my military years one prank comes to mind that I often recall, summoning much hilarity. I was a private in the United States Marine Corps and was newly assigned and finished doing basic training in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Being too green to suspect a prank, I was ordered by my Sergeant Major to search the mess hall for “bacon stretcher.” I had no idea what it was at the time and looking back, I felt like a complete moron for not comprehending the obvious. Following my command, I scoured the mess hall and then kitchen in search for the famous bacon stretcher. After a good twenty minutes, I began asking other fellow marines in my unit, and they had a similar response…“Oh, yeah…the bacon stretcher, eh? Go ask so-and-so. I think he had it last.” And so I went, trudging through several rooms on base and asking along the way a Lance Corporal a Gunnery Sergeant and so on… After one too many smirks, I finally figured it out. And those asshole comrades of mine never let me live that one down. A bacon stretcher my ass! 

Like any good prank, this one was a long-standing tradition that obviously didn’t end with me. In fact, it continued with each new recruit. And when the unsuspecting fool came to me, I smiled inside and sent them to a place I’d thought they’d never search…the latrines. Hah. Hah. Hah! Evil? Yes, but too much fun not to add my spin.

Happy Veterans Day to all those who served. Semper fi.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ask the ant - office bullying

Did you know we have an in-house office ant on staff that can answer your most common office woes and complaints and put your fears to rest? Feel free to bemoan anonymously andseek solace in the solid advice coming from a seasoned creative professional of workingnearly twenty years in Corporate America. Do you have a work issue you need help with? Donot fret. Feel free and rant and by all means…ask the ant. (Original Post)
Office quagmire...
Dear office ant,
I have a coworker that constantly likes to undermine me and my work.  I’m so tired of dealing with his smart-ass behavior. For some reason, he always catches me off guard, and I feel like other employees, including my boss, are buying into some of his B.S.
Can you please help me?

The office ant's repsonse...

Dear  e,
Your story is a depressing one and unfortunately a common one. Have no fear, though. Everyone must learn to deal with difficult people in their work environment. The challenge is truly to have fun while doing it. What you’re really looking for is a way to tell your coworker to shove it, without actually saying so. Am I right? Don’t answer that. I am. There’s an art to maneuvering your way through the workweek, and frankly…it’s all in the delivery.

Here are two clips I suggest you watch closely and learn. These antics may not rid yourself of your office annoyance, but when you apply these techniques, we promise’ll feel a heck of a lot better.

Technique 1: Mumbler Method

Technique # 2 - Lil Jon Method...What?
I miss Dave Chappelle.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

Corporate Meetings - Monkey Business

Tell me you haven't had a meeting where you looked around the room and felt there wasnothing but monkeys in attendance. Some of the lame discussions that take place inconference rooms is often nothing but monkey business. And then you wonder...

Photo by:

Original Blog - Repost

Before we begin blogging via blogger, we did start a previous blog under another platform that didn't quite work out for us.  That said, below is a list of previous post that you may or may not find of interest.

Repost: Oct. 14, 2011

With the incessant ramblings of the talking heads in business these days, albeit internetmarketing, seo, and social media, the office ants decided to take a lighter approach toblogging. Why? Why the heck not!  There are too many know-it-alls out there andfrankly...we’re not interested in doing the obvious.  Having fun while we trudge through our workweek is our inclination. With our antics blog, our goal is to put a smile on your face and help inspire some creativity while we're at it.  Good god, we spend too much time at work and not enjoying ourselves even a little bit, would be a crime.  

To launch out antic’s blog, I’d like to feature some of our favorite comics:

To read the original post click here:  My First Blog Post

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